4 Big Agency Challenges — and How ReviewTrackers Solves Them

a group of people discussing agency challenges and how reputation management solves issues

Many of the world’s top brands work with agencies to help them build their digital presence and online brand reputation. 

If you represent an agency, offering reputation management as a service will ultimately drive revenue for your organization. After all, one of the best ways to get an edge over competing agencies is to give your clients an edge over theirs.

Not all agencies, however, are equipped to handle the common challenges that arise from having to manage their clients’ brand reputation. 

In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at the biggest agency challenges faced by organizations that offer reputation management services, as well as the ways online reputation management software ReviewTrackers solves them. 

Challenge 1: Making Reputation Management Scalable

While most agencies can probably rely on in-house resources and their own expertise to help manage one single client’s reputation (say, as a value-added service), it’s not easy scaling your reputation management operation and providing services to a wider range of clients without first investing in a scalable reputation management software solution. 

Managing the reputation of different brands and clients will ultimately pose challenges like:

  • Lacking the time and resources to train and educate teams
  • Collecting and analyzing multiple clients’ reputational data from multiple sources (such as directories, local listings, business review sites, search results, and social media)
  • Being unable to ​​visualize account behavior, which is essential to understanding which clients are actively engaged in growing their reputation
  • Lacking tools and technology to accurately report on data and generate actionable insights 

With ReviewTrackers’ agency tools, you can easily scale the entire operation of building your clients’ online presence, managing their reputation, and winning their markets. This, in turn, drives revenue and growth for your organization. 

With Multi-Tenant Accounts by ReviewTrackers, agencies can organize client data and simplify and streamline the operation of their reputation management services offering. 

Multi-Tenant Accounts will make managing your growing clientele simpler than ever. Multi-Tenant Accounts lets agencies and organizations that represent various brands:

  • Onboard different clients on different plans or packages
  • Select individualized billing options based on the client
  • Enable account-based administrative access
  • Access ReviewTrackers’ Ask Tool SMS credits for all brands
  • Create client-specific strategies to optimize results
  • Focus more time on client growth and reduce time spent on administrative work

With a scalable solution like ReviewTrackers, your agency has access to an efficient organizational structure for managing clients’ reviews, location profiles, and reputational data, all while using a unifying parent or master account. At the same time, your agency is empowered to develop strategies specific to individual brands and clients, helping you provide them with maximum value. 

Challenge 2: White-Labeling Your Solution

It’s definitely easier to partner with an existing reputation management solutions provider than to build a new product from scratch. However, not all providers understand that agencies work hard to earn the trust of their customers — and that the idea of selling reputation management as a solution with another company’s branding isn’t always appealing. 

Enter: white-label software.

With ReviewTrackers’ white-labeling solutions, you can sell reputation management as your own agency’s branded solution. You can add your agency’s branding on pretty much everything on the ReviewTrackers platform, right down to the URL of the application and even the help center. 

As a white-label reputation management solution, ReviewTrackers empowers agencies to provide the full value of the platform to clients, helping you add more offerings to your portfolio, enter new markets, and capitalize on additional services your agency doesn’t already provide.

a group of people meeting agency challenges by scaling teams and offering reputation mangement software

Challenge 3: Lacking Resources to Generate Leads and Sales

Offering reputation management services will not help your agency’s bottom line if your sales team isn’t able to sell these services well.

Agencies must train their teams on how to sell reputation management, but it takes time and resources to get sales teams up to speed on new products, especially if the offerings are complex.

ReviewTrackers is the perfect choice for agencies looking for a reputation management offering that’s easy to sell. For starters, the product and interface are easy to use right out of the box.

Moreover, ReviewTrackers provides the sales enablement you need so your teams are well-versed on the product and are ready to sell it. With robust reporting to share internally, our support center full of quick videos and searchable links, and a dedicated representative, ReviewTrackers’ solution is one you can be excited to share with your clients.

ReviewTrackers also features the ability to generate a Reputation Score Card, which is a powerful way to incite curiosity from prospects and generate leads. Your agency can automate the process by leveraging scorecard landing pages, which can be an impactful way to fill the sales funnel.

Through Scorecard Landing Pages, ReviewTrackers provides a couple of options for agencies to automate Scorecard delivery to prospects. These will revolutionize the way your agency presents the need for reputation management services.

Challenge 4: You Need to Be Able to Provide Free Trials

The majority of people take a test drive before purchasing a car. In the same way, brands often expect to try out software (including reputation management solutions) before committing to a purchase.

Offering a free trial can also be an effective way to close more deals. According to Recurly Research, two out of three free B2B trials end up converting. Free trials also increase retention, since free trials allow a brand to see firsthand whether an offering fits its needs. If the solution fits, it’s easier for an agency to retain the client and build a long-term relationship. 

Unfortunately, agencies don’t often have the opportunity to offer free trials.

ReviewTrackers understands the importance of free trials for both agencies and brands. This is why ReviewTrackers allows partner agencies to provide free trials for up to five clients with up to five locations using the Essential package for two weeks. 

That way, agencies can meet brand expectations. And brands can make more informed purchase decisions which will lead to higher satisfaction and greater retention.

Surpass Agency Challenges with a ReviewTrackers Partnership

Agencies can leverage ReviewTrackers’ online reputation management software to deliver greater value to clients, while also saving time and resources. 

  • Reputation management: Aggregate and manage business reviews from 100+ business review sites to improve brand reputation, acquire and retain more customers, and ensure loyalty. 
  • Customer Experience Analytics: Understand the Voice of the Customer to improve experiences and create a seamless buyer journey. 
  • White-label solution: As a white-label reputation management solution that you can integrate into your existing technology stack, ReviewTrackers lets you focus on your agency or firm’s expertise. 
  • API access: Seamlessly integrate your existing technology and software solutions with ReviewTrackers. 
  • Custom billing solutions: Choose tiered pricing plans to support account expansion and growth.

With ReviewTrackers, you can leverage the power of reviews and feedback to help your clients acquire and retain more customers.


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