How Reputation Management Services Drive Revenue for Your Agency

a graphic of the customer funnel idea

Offering reputation management services to clients will ultimately drive revenue for your agency.

With the suite of partner tools for agencies by online reputation management software ReviewTrackers, you can improve your clients’ online presence, empower them to acquire and retain more customers, and win their markets. 

This, in turn, drives revenue and growth for your organization. After all, one of the best ways to get an edge over competing agencies is to give your clients an edge over theirs.


Efficiently Manage Client Data with Multi-Tenant Accounts

With Multi-Tenant Accounts, agencies can organize client data and streamline the operation of their reputation management services offering.

Multi-Tenant Accounts will make managing your growing clientele simpler than ever. Multi-Tenant Accounts lets agencies and organizations that represent various brands:

  • Onboard different clients on different plans or packages
  • Select individualized billing options based on the client
  • Enable account-based administrative access
  • Access ReviewTrackers’ Ask Tool SMS credits for all brands
  • Create client-specific strategies to optimize results
  • Focus more time on client growth and reduce time spent on administrative work

a tree diagram showing off the multiple tenant account reputation management service from reviewtrackers

This national hospitality brand, with 400+ locations across the US and Canada, onboarded a ReviewTrackers account for its residential communities brand through Multi-Tenant Accounts. 

This reputation management services partner tool suited for agencies and enterprise-level organizations has enabled the company to create an efficient organizational structure for managing reviews and location profiles of both resorts and residential communities — using a unifying parent or master account. At the same time, the company is also empowered to develop strategies specific to individual business divisions and brands. 

Grow Revenue by Building Partner Reputation Scorecards

Reputation Scorecards deliver a snapshot view of a business’s current online reputation. 

This tool serves as a great way to market your agency’s reputation management services to prospective and current clients. It’s also helpful in managing their progress over time as your agency coaches them toward building a better online reputation.

an example of a hospitality card from ReviewTrackers offerings of reputation management services for agencies

Scorecards are calculated based on a given business’s performance across the top social media and business review sites, including Google, Facebook, Yelp, and Tripadvisor. The score takes into account the user-generated content that shows up in search results when consumers search for your client’s brand (local SEO rankings), as well as what customers publicly say in their online reviews and ratings of your client. 

Reputation Scorecards help your agency build insight-driven reputation management strategies for clients. Key metrics include

  • Average Rating
  • Response Rate
  • Response Time
  • Positive Review Highlights
  • Reviews Requiring Attention
  • Trending Review Keywords
  • Comparison of Current and Past Performance

Acquire More Leads with Scorecard Landing Pages

Reputation Scorecards are a powerful way to incite curiosity from prospects. Your agency can automate the process by leveraging scorecard landing pages, which can be an impactful way to fill the sales funnel

Through Scorecard Landing Pages, ReviewTrackers provides a couple of options for agencies to automate Scorecard delivery to prospects. These will revolutionize the way your agency presents the need for reputation management services

Option 1: Create A Landing Page via ReviewTrackers

Within the ReviewTrackers platform, agencies have the ability to create their own landing page and include their brand logo and contact information for additional personalization. 

The page will collect the lead’s name, phone number, email address, and business location. This information is then used to automatically create and deliver the Scorecard to the potential client.

Moreover, ReviewTrackers tracks all leads generated from the landing page, making it easy for agencies to quickly engage with high-quality leads.

a potential landing page for an agency providing reputation management services

Option 2: Create A Landing Page with Existing Tools

By leveraging your agency’s existing business tools, such as marketing automation platforms or CRM systems, you can fully customize your own Scorecard landing pages so that they fit into your existing processes and lead capture systems. 

ReviewTrackers also tracks all leads generated from your custom landing pages.

a mockup of the demo landing page for an agency providing reputation management services

Reputation Management Services by ReviewTrackers for Agencies

Your agency can leverage ReviewTrackers’ reputation management software platform to deliver greater value to your clients and build a 5-star reputation for them, all while saving time and resources. 

Deploying ReviewTrackers, with its suite of partner tools for agencies, should also help you stand out from competitors, reduce customer churn, and extend customer lifetime value. 

  • Reputation management: Aggregate and manage business reviews from 100+ review sites to improve brand reputation, acquire and retain more customers, and ensure loyalty.
  • Customer Experience Analytics: Understand the Voice of the Customer to improve experiences and create a seamless buyer journey.
  • White-label solution: As a white-label reputation management solution that you can integrate into your existing technology stack, ReviewTrackers lets you focus on your agency or firm’s expertise.
  • API access: Seamlessly integrate your existing technology and software solutions with ReviewTrackers.
  • Custom billing solutions: Choose tiered pricing plans to support account expansion and growth.
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