Tripadvisor Statistics Your Company Should Know

tripadvisor review analysis

This updated collection of Tripadvisor statistics shows that Tripadvisor is one of the foremost leading sources of information for consumers looking to finalize their travel plans.

For many hotels and hospitality executives, meanwhile, the travel business review site has become an integral part of their strategy — serving as a platform for driving customer engagement, collecting online reviews and customer feedback, building brand visibility, and growing revenue.

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Tripadvisor Statistics: How People Use Reviews

Travel website Tripadvisor is a huge platform for travelers looking to connect with businesses. According to the company’s latest fact sheet, the website attracts 490 million unique monthly visitors on average.

Tripadvisor also has over 730 million reviews and opinions covering the world’s largest selection of travel-related online listings worldwide, covering approximately 8.1 million accommodations, airlines, experiences, and restaurants.

Customer reviews of your business on Tripadvisor also have the power to bring customers in or drive them away. According to research:

  • Tripadvisor ranks ahead of personal recommendations, tourist board websites, and guidebooks as the most trusted source for travel planning.
  • 83% of consumers say Tripadvisor reviews make them feel more confident in their travel decisions.
  • Meanwhile, 96% of hotel and hospitality brands worldwide say that Tripadvisor reviews are influential in generating bookings.

These numbers go to show that potential customers are likely to make a decision about whether or not to book or spend money with you based on the Tripadvisor reviews they see.

This means that online review management is definitely a must for every business listed on the site. By staying on top of what people are saying, your brand can build a stronger online reputation and gain valuable insights on how to deliver superior guest experiences.

Read the guide: How Your Hospitality Group Can Elevate the Traveler’s Experience

Tripadvisor Stats: Impact on Consumer Behavior and Business Performance

Let’s check out some more online review statistics on Tripadvisor. Plus: insights on the kind of impact these reviews have on consumer behavior and business performance.

Reviews directly impact bookings. According to PhoCusWright, 83% say reviews help them pick the right hotel. 80% read at least 6 to 12 reviews prior to booking and 53% won’t commit to a booking until they read reviews.

Similar trends apply to attractions and restaurants: 68% say reviews help them know about attractions and 64% read reviews to find better restaurants.

Ratings increase with more reviews. According to this Cornell study, the average rating for a hotel with 11 to 20 reviews is 3.5 out of 5, with “terrible” reviews (with a rating of 1) at close to 12%. This might not seem encouraging at first, but don’t worry: as a hotel gets more reviews on Tripadvisor, the average rating increases to 3.9, with a total of 101 or more reviews.

Higher responsiveness = better engagement. Tripadvisor-listed businesses that promptly respond to reviews see 17% higher engagement levels and are 21% more likely to receive a booking inquiry. Check out examples of how to respond to negative reviews, as well as positive review response examples

Higher responsiveness = more revenue. Another Cornell study shows that responding to Tripadvisor reviews leads to improved sales and revenue. Revenue levels as generated by online travel agents (OTAs) increase as the number of review responses on Tripadvisor increases. It also reconfirmed an earlier estimate that an increase in a business’ Tripadvisor rating is reflected in an increase in revenue.

Use Tripadvisor Reviews to Your Advantage

Create or claim your Tripadvisor page. Take control of your Tripadvisor page by visiting Or if you don’t have a listing yet, create one at  

For more comprehensive information, read our complete guide to Tripadvisor for Business.

Get more and better reviews. Encourage happy customers to submit reviews and customer feedback using online reputation management software. The tools available today will typically allow you to create and send email or SMS campaigns that make it easy for Tripadvisor users to review your company’s business locations.

Promote your brand presence. Drive travelers to your Tripadvisor business page by using review widgets, Tripadvisor stickers, and comment cards. If you’re a qualified recipient, be sure to display your Tripadvisor Certificate of Excellence, too.

Actively track your reviews. Set up alerts that notify you every time there are new reviews of your company on the website. That way, you’ll be in a better position to protect your online brand reputation. You can also gain valuable insights on how to deliver even better guest experiences. And if any fraudulent or fake reviews are posted, be sure to follow the process of how to remove a Tripadvisor review.

Respond to your customers. Taking part in the conversation and demonstrating that the business owner cares about feedback can definitely help a traveler convert from a casual browser into a potential guest. If you resolve any issues and reviewers update their review, remember to change your response so it reflects the customer’s current review.

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