How to Use Hootsuite Reputation Management to Your Advantage

hootsuite reputation management

Adding a Hootsuite reputation management strategy to any brand’s online presence can lead to better consumer engagement and overall community management.

As of February 2022, Statista reports that the global social network penetration rate is at 58.4% — which means that more than half of the world’s population is using social media.

At any moment, a significant portion of that group might be talking about your brand in multiple ways. That’s why businesses should look into services like Hootsuite, which can help with social media reputation management efforts and general reputation management strategies from a single platform. Specifically, Hootsuite can help brands in two powerful ways:

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Using Hootsuite Reputation Management for Social Media Management

Using Hootsuite to manage social media can save you time and be more efficient. Out of the box, Hootsuite lets you add multiple accounts so that you can see your brand’s entire social media presence in one place.

Specifically, you can create different feeds or “streams” for each account. This allows your social media teams to easily different types of content that cater to the various audience types on LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter from a single page.

Tracking Mentions and Conversations

Creating the right streams is incredibly useful especially when it comes to mentions. People are talking about your brand, and a dedicated mention stream allows you to quickly notice these posts faster and engage when necessary.

People are also using social media as a form of customer service, and it’s another opportunity to meet the demands of your customers and make them happy. Research from Statista showed a global consumer average of 59% who have a more favorable view of brands that respond to complaints or customer service questions via social media.

You can track even more specific elements such as keywords and hashtags, or even look at conversations on social media from a specific location. This type of monitoring is helpful for any businesses that want to know how consumers perceive their brand when the conversation isn’t directed towards them in posts. The Voice of the Customer is especially loud on social media, and these insights help you find ways to improve customer service and experience for future patrons.

someone looking at posts as a way to show the importance of hootsuite reputation management

Hootsuite Reputation Management through Online Reviews

Your social media feeds are also a great way to show off reviews, which are vital to the success of any brand. Specifically, customer reviews data shows 94% of consumers said that an online review convinced them to avoid a business. In other words, it’s the social proof needed by consumers to make an informed purchase decision.

Hootsuite users can see online reviews on their dashboard by adding the ReviewTrackers extension to their Hootsuite plan, which creates multiple streams to track positive and negative reviews as well as feedback from various review sources.

a screenshot showing the ReviewTrackers extension on Hootsuite

Responding to Reviews via Hootsuite

Aside from actively monitoring feedback, you can also use these streams to quickly respond to customer reviews, which is a great way to stand out from the competition.

Online review statistics show that 63% of customers never get a response to their reviews. These are people who want to be heard not just by other consumers, but by management as well.

With the ReviewTrackers extension, you can provide responses to any and all of your reviews in real-time through Hootsuite. These responses build trust, show that you care about any and all feedback, and tell others that you are willing to engage with any customer regardless of their overall review sentiment. Brands can use Hootsuite to try out their newfound knowledge of positive review response examples or teach others in the team how to respond to negative reviews.

Using Hootsuite to Show Off Reviews

You can also use Hootsuite to show off great feedback to your followers on social media. When done correctly, these types of posts serve as valuable social proof to prospective customers. They want to know that other people visited your business and had a great time.

Customer reviews data shows that 92% of consumers use reviews to guide their ordinary purchasing decisions. By using social media to amplify reviews, you show prospects that consumers tried and loved your products and services.

A Strong Strategy with Hootsuite Reputation Management

Reputation management starts with comprehensive monitoring, and Hootsuite offers a solution to meet those needs. With the ReviewTrackers extension, any brand can use Hootsuite to stay on top of the latest social conversations and reviews about their business. To learn more about ReviewTrackers + Hootsuite, click here and fill out the form.

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